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String telephones

Over the past few weeks, our curious Year 4 scientists have explored the world of sound waves, learning that sound is generated when an object is struck, causing the surrounding air molecules to vibrate. These vibrations then travel through the air and enter our ears, allowing us to hear sound. One particular experiment the children found very interesting involved the use of string telephones to test how sound travels through solids. They tried out loose and tight stings, checked if the sound could go around corners and even tied knots to see what would happen.




Clay sculptures

All the Year 4 children demonstrated exceptional creativity and embraced diversity and mutual respect during their recent art lesson. Firstly, the children explored the sculptor, Thomas J Price, who makes sculptures of anonymous people. They made visual notes about the artist and his artwork which share the message that everyone is unique and important, and that everyone has a story to share, and we should respect each other. 

Drawing inspiration from Price's work, the children delved into their own imaginations and talents, crafting remarkable clay sculptures that beautifully portrayed a diverse range of activities and emotions. From figures meditating to those engaged in prayer, from scenes of playing football to moments of camping, each sculpture reflects the intricate and varied experiences of individuals within our community.







In Design and Technology, Year 4 embarked on a mission to make night lights for children who are afraid of the dark. Demonstrating the values of Resilience and Creativity, they used rulers, hacksaws and glue guns to construct sturdy wooden frames as the base of their night lights. The children also made paper-mache shades for their products and assembled electric circuits, containing a cell, switch and bulb. This unit of learning quickly became a favourite amongst the children.






Digestive System Experiment

In Science, the Year 4s have been diving deep into the workings of the digestive system. From the mouth to the rectum, children have learnt the secrets behind each organ's function. This week, they took their learning to the next level with a hands-on experiment that left them awestruck. They crushed bananas and crackers, mixed with water to simulate saliva, and orange juice representing stomach acid. They watched as the food travelled through tights, serving as the small intestine, and finally into a cup, symbolising the rectum. Their expressions ranged from amazement at the body's brilliance to a touch of disgust at the process!





Flute Concert

In recent weeks, the Year 4 children have been preparing for their flute concert in their music lessons. They have been learning to play the flute since September and were so excited to share what they had learnt with their families. All the children worked incredibly hard to put on a fantastic performance. Well done everyone and thank you to Mr Burch for his expertise.




Year 4 had a day packed with excitement, creativity, and endless fun at LEGOLAND! Bright and early, our eager adventurers hopped aboard the coach for an unforgettable journey to Windsor. Upon arrival, they were warmly welcomed by the LEGOLAND staff, igniting the spark of excitement that would last throughout the day.
Once inside the park, the children had many thrilling experiences. One highlight was the engaging workshop where our Hazelwood engineers had the opportunity to craft their very own roller coasters using LEGO bricks. Equipped with motors, batteries, and tablets loaded with a cool coding programme, the children brought their roller coasters to life! With the power of code, they could make their creations stop, start, play music, and even illuminate with vibrant coloured lights which synchronised to the beat.
In addition, the children ventured into Miniland which is made from nearly 40 million LEGO bricks! They marvelled at famous London landmarks including Canary Wharf, The London Eye and Buckingham Palace.
Of course, no trip to LEGOLAND would be complete without experiencing the thrill of the rides. The whole of Year 4 (and the adults) had their hearts racing as they soared through the sky and raced around tracks! For 4R, ‘Mia’s Riding Adventure’ stole the show, while 4O couldn’t get enough of the exhilarating ‘Flight Of The Sky Lion’ and 4M thoroughly enjoyed ‘LEGO City Driving School’.
Overall, it was a day filled with laughter, learning, and unforgettable memories. We're immensely proud of our Year 4s for their enthusiasm, creativity, and exemplary behaviour throughout the trip.
Thank you to all the parents for your support in making this incredible experience possible. 

PSHE with John Gilbert

The Year 4s have had a fantastic opportunity to work with the dynamic John Gilbert in their PSHE lessons this half term! Every session was a whirlwind of excitement and learning, with the children passionately discussing human rights, responsibilities, and their important role in decision-making at Hazelwood School. With John's guidance, they developed their speaking skills, learning to express themselves confidently, respectfully, and courteously in front of their peers. The classroom buzzed with energy as students eagerly shared their thoughts and ideas, making each lesson a memorable experience. 

Many of our Year 4s have caught the enthusiasm bug and are now regular attendees of the Thursday morning newspaper club, where they continue to explore and learn under John's expert guidance.




Roman Day!

Prepare to be transported to ancient Roman Britain as the Year 4s took part in a phenomenal Roman Day! The children (and teachers) dressed up as formidable Roman soldiers, esteemed patricians, and even mighty emperors, ready to conquer the day. They explored Roman numerals, solving the codes of I, V, X, C and M. Using lolly sticks, they made these ancient symbols, unlocking the secrets of Roman arithmetic. They also learnt about Roman architecture and understood that the clever Romans built their roads, paved with sturdy stones, in straight lines as it was quicker to travel this way. In the afternoon, filled with Creativity, they constructed their own miniature Roman towns with public baths, temples, libraries, bustling food stalls, and vibrant markets.

But the adventure didn't end there! Like modern-day historians and archaeologists, the children examined artefacts from ancient Roman Britain, piecing together parts of history. They also sketched still life drawings of these relics drawing on their skills of shading, rubbing, smudging, dashing, and dotting, which they have been exploring in Art this half term. The children also explored the messages and clues mosaics, sculptures and frescos give historians as to what life would have been like 2000 years old. Year 4 Roman Day wasn't just a lesson - it was an epic journey through time, where the past intertwined with the present, and learning became an adventure!








Picture This...

Picture this… an afternoon filled with the values of Creativity and Teamwork as the Year 4s took part in an extraordinary still life drawing session! With treasures from home clutched in their hands, each child brought forth unique items, each one holding a story, a memory, or a spark of inspiration. At the beginning of the afternoon, they gathered around arranging their prized possessions in the centre of their tables.

Drawing ideas from the timeless works of artists like Paul Cezanne and inspired by the bold strokes and vibrant colours of contemporary artists like Hilary Pecis, the children drew on their skills of shading, rubbing, smudging, dashing, and dotting. With each stroke of their pencils, they breathed life into the inanimate, transforming everyday objects into works of art. 




Things to look forward to in spring 2024!

  • Lego Land Trip (March)
    Children will take part in an exciting workshop where they will learn the coding of roller-coasters. They will also get a chance to explore Lego Land!
  • Roman Britain Day
    The children will step back in time to Roman Britain. They will get to wear Roman attire and experience a day in the life of ancient Romans.
  • Still Life Drawing Afternoon
    The Year 4s will become artists as they arrange inanimate objects, capturing their unique compositions through photography, drawing and painting.
  • PSHE lessons with John Gilbert
    The children will engage in thought-provoking PSHE lessons led by John Gilbert about rights and respect, gaining a deeper understanding of these important values.


FestivalS of Light

The Year 4 children had an incredible Festivals of Light Day! They dove into what Christmas is, how it is celebrated, the significance of the festival and why it is special to Christians. The day began with retelling the Christmas story of Jesus' birth, and then they discovered that Christians celebrate Christmas by making christingles, using advent to count down to Christmas Day and even visit the church for special services and midnight mass. The children also had an interesting visit from Pathway’s Leslie, who spoke about how light is important to the Christian festival of Christmas. Year 4 ended the day with wreath making where they were able to show tremendous Creativity and Resilience!







Sewing Morning

The Year 4s enjoyed an exceptionally engaging Design and Technology lesson, leaving them filled with joy and enthusiasm! What made this lesson truly special was the overwhelming support from the children’s families who joined in to help in the making of hand-sewn, winter-themed, 3D hanging decorations. The collaborative effort of children and adults drawing on running, cross, and blanket stitches resulted in a stunning array of decorations that truly reflect the magic of shared experiences. A huge thank you to all the parents who contributed to making this lesson an enchanting and memorable time for our children.




Protecting the planet webinar

Our curious and compassionate Year 4s took part in an exciting Protecting Our Planet Day webinar. Led by the fantastic Eden Project team, the children took a virtual tour of the largest tropical greenhouse on Earth!

During this mind-blowing experience, they explored the whereabouts of tropical rainforests, explored why they are crucial for biodiversity, and discovered how these ecosystems act as Earth's superheroes in the battle against climate change.

The Eden Project team also shared ways the Year 4s can contribute to tropical rainforest conservation, no matter where they are in the world, such as reducing waste, reusing items and recycling materials, as well as by sharing their newfound knowledge with friends, family and peers. With quizzes, mini-activities, and live Q&A sessions with the Rainforest Biome team, our Year 4 children are now officially rainforest champions!




Year 4 have been very lucky to have an incredible States of Matter workshop from Explorer Dome to compliment their Science learning. During the exciting visit, the children explored evaporating, condensing, melting and freezing. They consolidated their understanding of solids, liquids and gases and discovered what happens as materials change state. Many children showed lots of curiosity and courage throughout the demonstrations and when volunteering to help with the experiments.




Anti-Bullying Week

The Year 4s had a fun and educational Anti-Bullying Week! Through engaging activities, the children learnt that bullying, whether in real life or online, can have real-life consequences. The week included a powerful anti-bullying assembly and an interactive workshop where they participated in role-playing scenarios to understand how to respond if they or someone else is facing bullying. Children discovered that talking to a trusted adult is so important.

In PSHE, they delved into the world of stereotypes, challenging preconceived notions and learning the valuable lesson never to judge a book by its cover. Thought-provoking discussions addressed the reasons behind aggressive behaviours, developing empathy and understanding amongst the children. It was a week filled with learning, self-reflection, and building a supportive community against bullying.





A huge achievement for all the children in Year 4 has been taking part in their class assemblies. Each class worked so hard and all the children were super excited about sharing their learning with their families. They did an amazing job of confidently showing off their Year 4 learning and demonstrated the Hazelwood values of Courage and Teamwork. A big thank you for your continued support of the children and teachers - we really do appreciate it.



MAKE Believe Class act workshop

Year 4 had a really great time at their Make Believe Class Act workshop. They showed the values of respect to our visitor and many of them were extremely creative. During the workshop, the children played fun drama games and had a blast working together in teams to make freeze frames inspired by some really cool objects. Can you spot the objects in our photographs?




Brilliant Beginnings

Over the past few weeks, the children in Year 4 have wasted no time in reconnecting with their classmates and adapting to this new learning environments, displaying lots of enthusiasm and eagerness.  Their respectful behaviour towards the adults that work with them and their peers has been excellent, reflecting our value of the half term.

Here are some highlights:

In their PE lessons, 4R have been choosing movements and gestures that represent
spy characters. Working in pairs, they have created an 8-count dance routine that
uses action and reaction. They learnt that action and reaction in dance is like a
conversation between two dancers.


The children in 4O, have demonstrated the values of kindness and teamwork by supporting the Felix project volunteers. They have packed up food bags for families in need and even helped with leftover food at the end of the day, showing a strong sense of community. 

4M have been busy planning their own comic in Art. They have experimented with different
sized and shaped panels, and even used gutters to speed up or slow down their story. We are looking forward to seeing where their creative talents take them!