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Summer 2024

Key Dates:

Friday 14th June- Summer Fete

Friday 14th June- Non-Uniform Day

Wednesday 19th June (9:30am) - Sports Days

Values- Teamwork

Our value for this half term is Teamwork. The children showed the value of teamwork when playing the game ‘Don’t Wake the Dragon’. They worked together to ‘silently’ organise themselves into different groups. E.g. height order. Their goal was to complete a range of tasks with their team without talking. It was lots of fun!

Natural History Museum Trip- 30.04.24

Year 3 had a fantastic time at the Natural History Museum. They explored the ichthyosaurus room and saw how big some of these ancient fossils are! They had lots of fun in their Volcanoes and Earthquake workshop where they learnt about the different layers of the earth and what can cause an earthquake. They were also able to investigate geological forces from deep within the Earth using interactive demonstrations.

The children displayed the Hazelwood Values throughout the day and made their teachers very proud!

Click here for photos!

Year 3 Remarkable Art Exhibition- Enfield Town Schools’ Partnership

Year 3 took part in an exciting Art project with Enfield Town Schools’ Partnership. Their project was all about ‘Growth’ and what growth means to them. They looked at and explored different artists that use paint or work with the theme growth. They responded to the work of artist Yu-Ching Chiu, Jacob Vosmaer and Annabel Fairfax. They then compared the artists’ work and shared their thoughts on what they liked in a peer discussion. They had lots of fun exploring with paint and creating their final piece on a canvas. All their work has been displayed in an online gallery and ten pieces were selected to be part of the ‘ReMARKable Art​ Pupil Project Celebratory Finale Exhibition’ where some Enfield schools got to showcase their amazing work at the Prince of Wales School. The teachers were so impressed with their final pieces and it is clear to see that Year 3 have a love for Art! Click here to see the exhibition and here for the online gallery.

Spring 2024

Broomfield Park Geography Fieldwork Trip - Wednesday 20th March 2024

Year 3 conducted fieldwork in Broomfield Park as part of their learning on agriculture. They investigated our enquiry question by interviewing the volunteers at the Palmers Greenery Community Café and taking photographs of significant places for our fieldwork enquiry. Afterwards, in a follow-up lesson, they presented and analysed the data by annotating the photographs with the information they collected from the interviews on a poster. They also evaluated the effectiveness of the fieldwork overall. Year 3 had lots of fun and learnt lots about their local community!


Forest School

Year 3 had a great time at Forest School! The children went on a winter nature scavenger hunt to see if they could find holly leaves, pine needles, rough bark and much more. Then they played a fun hibernation game showing the value of teamwork. They made bird feeders using apples and sunflower seeds, winter potions and went on a mini-beast hunt. 

The children prepared for National Bird Watch week by making bird feeders. They used natural resources from the wildlife garden and reused plastic packaging. The children became ice detectives and went on a hunt around the wildlife garden for ice. Using the ice, they made tiny igloos for minibeasts. The children finished off their sessions with a yummy hot chocolate and berry drinks.













Safer Internet Day 6th February 2024

We had a special assembly where we thought about any worries we might have about the internet but also to celebrate technology. We spoke about changes online and how they can make us feel, how to stay safe online and who we can talk to if we need help.


BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Visit- Friday 2nd February 2024

Year 3 had a great time visiting Neasden temple. They took part in a guided tour of the temple and participated in question-and-answer session with a video presentation. We were so impressed with the beautiful temple and even found out that the marble was imported from Italy!

Forest School will be every Thursday

 Please ensure that children come to school in their ‘outdoor learning kit’ including joggers or tracksuit trousers and long-sleeved tops (we recommend these to avoid scratches) as well as trainers. If it is likely to be muddy and/or raining, please send your child to school in trainers but with outdoor footwear (we suggest wellington boots) in a plastic bag to change into. It is likely to be cold so do make sure they have weather-appropriate outer wear too.

Year 3 Mandir Visit- Friday 2nd February

Year 3 will be visiting BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir on Friday 2nd February. Please ensure you have read the letter and paid via Parent Pay, to ensure the trip can go ahead.


Autumn 2

Festival of Lights

Year 3 learnt all about Christmas during our Festival of Lights day. They sequenced ‘The Christmas Story’ and discussed the Christian story behind Christmas Day and why it is so important to Christians. They learnt that Christians believe that Jesus is the light of the world. They had a special assembly where they were visited by Lesley from Pathways who spoke to us about how light is significant to the Christian Festival of Christmas. They looked at how Christmas is celebrated and the different traditions that take place. Finally, they learnt about the history of Christingles and made their own Christingles to take home!

Art Gallery in Class

The children have finished their Art unit for this half term on charcoal. They created a beautiful ‘Starry Night’ scene using only charcoal and rubbers. Their classrooms were then turned into an Art gallery, where the children were able to reflect and showcase their work to the class.


Art Workshop- 6.11.23

Year 3 have been lucky enough to have an amazing Art workshop with the very talented artist Laura McKendry that links to their Art unit ‘Gestural Drawing with Charcoal’. They explored and played with charcoal, drawing big marks and using their whole body to draw. On big sugar paper they had the choice to create a stormy sea scene or an animal focussing on expression. It was creative, messy and full of fun! We would like to say a big THANK YOU to Laura for her amazing work with us. Click on the link to see more photos!

Multicultural Week- Autumn 1

Year 3 have had a super Multicultural Week. They have learnt lots of facts about Trinidad and Tobago including, what the climate is like, traditional dishes, the flag and interesting facts. For example, did you know the limbo dance originated from Trinidad?

The children had an Art afternoon where they painted a beautiful landscape scene inspired by the artist Che Lovelace from Trinidad and Tobago.

In DT, the children baked their own Jamaican hard dough bread. They used their fresh bread to make a healthy and tasty sandwich. It was delicious!

Hidden Figures Assembly

The children attended a ‘Hidden Figures’ assembly. They learnt lots about significant black figures from the past (and present), such as Emperor Severus, Lillian Bader and Mary Prince. They listened to their stories and found out about their lives through music, role play and props. They then discussed which person inspired them the most and why.

Fun in Geography

The children learnt about how rivers shape the land. They used modelling clay to make their own model of the upper course of the river. They labelled each part of the river to explain what was going on.


Year 3 have had a super start to the year. They have developed their understanding of place value in Maths, started writing an adventure story in English and identified and labelled different bones on a human body for Science.