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We are proud of our school uniform. We believe our uniform makes a positive statement about the high expectations of our school, gives children a sense of pride in their shared school community, and supports both staff and parents to fulfil our commitment to equality. 

We will work closely with parents to maintain our high standards and support our pupils to be proud of wearing their uniform.

Where a family might face problems in providing correct uniform, or in any temporary circumstance where an incorrect uniform is likely, we request that parents contact the school in order that we might understand and offer support. Uniform will be checked regularly and if the school is aware of any problems it can save children being questioned unnecessarily.


Hazelwood School Uniform 
  • Red jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without school logo)
  • White or red polo shirt (white collared shirts are also acceptable)
  • Black or dark grey trousers, shorts, skirt or tunic (Nursery may also wear black jogging bottoms or leggings if they prefer)
  • Red and white gingham dress (optional)
  • Black, grey or white socks
  • Black shoes (laces should only be worn if your child can tie them independently - no coloured laces)

All items of school uniform above are required unless stipulated. We give options for parents/carers to purchase school uniform with logos or standard items from any retailer.  

We are proud of our School Uniform at Hazelwood - please see the Smith's Uniform Newsletter, with our school featured on the front page, below. 
P.E. Kit                                                      

PE Kit is recognised as an important part of the school uniform. At Hazelwood, we ask our children to come to school on their PE days dressed in their kit. This avoids taking time to change which maximises the amount of time learning new skills in PE.

Hazelwood PE Kit
  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Black/navy shorts for indoor PE
  • Black/navy jogging or tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE
  • Black/navy sweatshirt
  • Trainers – they should be plain and comfortable

For health and safety reasons, children are asked not to wear any jewellery (including earrings) on PE days. If your child needs to keep their stud earrings in, then these will need to be covered with tape.


Forest School Kit 

We are proud to offer a Forest School curriculum, where each child from Year 1 to Year 6 participates in a programme of Forest Schools for a half term. Our Reception children also have Forest School sessions each half term to look at the changing seasons.

When your child has Forest School sessions, please ensure that they come to school in their ‘outdoor learning kit’, including joggers or tracksuit trousers and long-sleeved tops (we recommend these to avoid scratches), as well as trainers. If it is raining or the ground is likely to be muddy, please send the children in wearing trainers, with wellies in a plastic bag to change into.





Only stud earrings and a simple watch are allowed to be worn to school. Bracelets, necklaces or rings are not to be worn at any time. Children will be required to remove any items worn unless for religious reasons that have been notified to the Headteacher in writing. The school will not be responsible for these items.

Hair and Make-Up

For safety reasons, long hair should be tied back with an appropriate fastening at all times (this applies to girls and boys). All fastenings need to be grey, black or red and should be small. Hair should not be dyed. Nail varnish and make-up should not be worn in school.


Ordering Uniform

Uniform can be ordered online at (including delivery or click and collect).  

Please note that children do not need to wear uniform with the school logo, and that uniform can be purchased from other shops, including supermarkets. 


Pre-Loved (Second Hand) Uniform 

At Hazelwood, our HPSA committee usually have a pre-loved stall at every major event, including the Christmas and Summer Fete and parent consultations. We do not have a set price list for items but operate a 'give what you can' for our pre-loved uniform. If you would like more information about when our pre-loved uniform stall will be available, please speak to the main office.