School Meals & Lunches
At Hazelwood, we serve hot and cold food as part of a balanced and nutritious meal, every day.
Your child may have a hot or cold school lunch or, if they prefer, bring their own packed lunch. We have our own large school kitchen, where school meals are cooked on site every day by our team of dedicated cooks. We are proud to work with Hertfordshire Catering Ltd to deliver a wide selection of school meals, catering for a range of dietary preferences and needs. All of our meat is halal.
School meals currently cost £2.55 per day for children in Nursery. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM), and children in KS2 (Year 3-6) are entitled to the Greater London Authority Primary Free School Meals and therefore do not need to pay.
We use SchoolGird for our cashless till system. When you join us at Hazelwood, and prior to your child's first day, you will be registered by the school office for an account. You will receive an email and your SchoolGrid account will need to be activated within 24 hours.
If you wish for your child to have a meal on the day of attendance, please pre-order this meal before 8:55am. If you do not place an order by this time but still wish for your child to have a meal, please contact the main office who can do this for you. Parents/Carers can place meal orders daily or up to a term in advance. Please note your account must be in credit per meal pre-ordered.
We work closely with HCL to provide excellent quality food and listen to feedback, especially from the children.

Our current menu can be found below
Packed Lunches
If your child has a packed lunch, please provide a clearly labelled lunch box/bag and put the drink in a plastic container (no glass bottles or fizzy drinks). We are committed to healthy eating and encourage our parents and children to consider healthy options when packing a lunch.
Please note that we are a nut free school.
Free School Meals (FSM)
Mayor of London Universal Free School Meals 2023 to 2024
Following an announcement made by the Mayor of London, from September 2023, all primary school children in state-funded schools in London will automatically get free school meals for the 2023 to 2024 academic year. This could save families around £440 per child across the year. For more information, visit Mayor of London - Free School Meals
Primary school children will automatically get their free school meal whether their parent or carer gets a qualifying benefit or not, but it’s very important that families on benefits still complete an application form for free school meals. If you qualify, your child will continue to get free school meals in September 2024.
All children other than Nursery children in state-funded schools in England are eligible for free school meals as of September 2023..
Benefits related Free School Meals
To be eligible for free school meals (additional funding for the school to support your child), the parent or carer must receive one of the following benefits:
- Universal Credit with an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400 (£616.67 per month)
- Child Tax Credit only (with no Working Tax Credit) with an annual gross income of no more than £16,190.
- Working Tax Credit is a disqualifying benefit regardless of your household income – this means that you would not be entitled to free school meals while in receipt of Working Tax Credit
- Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for the four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guarantee element of Pension Credit
Children who get any of the above benefits directly, instead of through a parent or carer, can also apply for free school meals.
How to check if you are eligible for Free School Meals
Step One
Please visit
We have provided you with a “how to” document (below) on how to check your eligibility
Step Two
If your check comes back as eligible, please complete the following form:
Step Three
Once you have completed the form, please email it to If you would like the school to do this for you, please speak to someone in the main office.
Fruit, Snacks and Water
We are very pleased to be part of the Government's School Fruit Scheme, which provides a piece of fruit to every child from Reception to Year 2. Children are also welcome to bring their own fruit in addition to this and we are very happy for our older children to bring a piece of fruit to school to eat during the morning break.
All children are encouraged to drink water regularly; please provide a filled water bottle each day