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Our Governors

At Hazelwood Schools, our Governors are members of the local community who wish to make a positive contribution to our children’s education. The Governing Body's role is strategic.  Governors are not expected to be involved in the day-to-day management of the Schools. The Headteacher has responsibility for the internal organisation, management and control of the Schools and for implementation of the strategic framework established by the Governing Body.

The Governing Body works in partnership with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team, acting as 'critical friends'. The Governing Body has a role to support and challenge the work of the Schools. School Governors contribute to the work of the Governing Body in ensuring high standards of achievement and progress by all children in the School by:

  • setting the Schools’ vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding the Headteacher to account for the education performance of the Schools and the children;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the Schools and making sure its money is well spent.

Almost anyone can become a School Governor. Governors can join the Governing body in five ways:

  1. As Local Authority governors – nominated by local political parties: bringing local community accountability perspectives
  2. As Parent governors – elected by parental ballot: with a key role to reflect the perspective of parents and the local community but also bringing their skills and experience to governance
  3. As Co-opted Governors – by nomination and invitation: bringing a particular skill or area of expertise to the governing body
  4. As Staff governor – elected by staff ballot: bringing the views perspective of teaching and support staff
  5. As Associated governor – by nomination and invitation: bringing a particular skill or area of expertise to the governing body

The period of appointment is typically four years. All new governors receive training and support from the School, the Local Authority and their fellow governors. If you are interested in assisting the School in this way, please ask the School Office for further details.

Please find below details of how our Governing Body is structured, including the names, categories and responsibilities of our Governors.


Tony Burton

  • Governor Type: Co-opted Governor
  • End of Term of Office: March 2026
  • Committee: Chair of RES

I am Tony Burton and I have been a Co-opted Governor since July 2018.

I am Chair of the Resources Committee and member of the Budget Working Group.

In addition to my role on the governing body, I also enjoy the community at Hazelwood schools. My children have also benefited hugely from all that Hazelwood has to offer.

I am a qualified accountant with experience of financial management, planning and education finance. 

Emma Cooper (she/her)

  • Governor Type: Co-opted Governor
  • End of Term of Office: March 2026
  • Committee: Chair of LTS 
  • EYFS and KS1 Data Governor

I have been a Governor at Hazelwood for just over four years.  My own children (who are now in secondary school) attended Hazelwood and they enjoyed the learning and extra-curricular activities offered.  We loved the sense of community at Hazelwood and the creative way children are taught and the experiences a Hazelwood education offers to the children in their care.  I have been a teacher for over 20 years and fully believe in the power of good education to change lives. I have particular interest in the Early Years Foundation Stage, Speech and Language, Phonics and Early literacy, SEND/Inclusion and, of course, Teaching and Learning.


Arthy Hartwell

  • Governor Type: Co-opted Governor
  • End of Term of Office: February 2028
  • Committee: RES

I have lived in Palmers Green for the past 2.5 years, and my eldest child has recently started in Reception at Hazelwood Schools. As a parent, I understand the importance of early years experiences and an enriching environment. My aim, in this role as Governor, is to support the leadership team to ensure the school provides this to the best of its ability - so that every child has the opportunity to thrive.

I am a global health professional with over 15 years experience in the health sector, and currently positioned at a philanthropic health organisation. 

Sinead Kanlioglu

  • Governor Type: Co-opted Governor
  • End of Term of Office: November 2027
  • Committee: RES
  • Values Governor 

Both my daughters attend Hazelwood, in Year 1 and Year 4.  My career background has been primarily leadership and management in technology roles across sectors such as retail and hospitality. I bring 20 years of experience in managing large projects and their associated budgets.

It's a privilege to be able to contribute my skills to giving our children the best possible start in their education, alongside parents, staff and other governors.

Ahsen Kemal

  • Governor Type: Elected Parent Governor
  • End of Term of Office: November 2027
  • Committee: LTS
  • Wellbeing Governor 

As a former pupil of Hazelwood Schools, and with my daughter currently a Hazelwood pupil, I have a strong connection and passion for the school, the community it serves and the children of Palmers Green. As Parent Governor, I am motivated and driven to see Hazelwood provide its pupils with the best head start in life, as it provided for me.

As a solicitor, and the Head of Legal within a FTSE 100 company, I bring to the role my professional skills and experience to support the school and its leadership team. 

Emma Kolaru 

  • Governor Type: Co-opted Governor
  • End of Term of Office: April 2027
  • Committee: RES

I have long experience of working in both the creative and not-for-profit sectors with specialisms in project management and stakeholder / community engagement. I currently work for a mental health charity which funds treatments, support, and faster diagnoses for everyone affected by mental illness.

As a parent of 3 boys, and having managed an Enfield-based education charity for over 9 years, I have a solid understanding of schools’ priorities through both an internal and external lens.

I have a particular interest in ensuring the school is creating an inclusive culture, that resources are being used effectively and efficiently and importantly, contributing towards effective governance and success of the school.

David macbrayne

  • Governor Type: Co-opted Governor
  • End of Term of Office: February 2028
  • Committee: LTS

I am fortunate that both of my daughters are now part of the fabulous Hazelwood community, in Nursery and Year 2 respectively. As a family, we have been so impressed with the dedicated group of teachers who make the schools such wonderful environments for our children.

I have worked in secondary education for 13 years and I currently lead the English department of one of the highest-performing state schools in the UK. My time in education has meant I have developed a real passion for ensuring equality of access and opportunity for all young people, regardless of background. As a co-opted governor, it is a real privilege to be able to support the leadership team, staff, and Governing Body in ensuring the continued success of Hazelwood.

Zoe Michel (she/her)

  • Governor Type: Elected Staff Governor
  • End of Term of Office: November 2024
  • Committee: LTS


Sarah Naughton (Chair of the Governing Body) (she/her)

  • Governor Type: Co-opted Governor
  • End of Term of Office: November 2027
  • Committee: LTS
  • Safeguarding Governor 
  • Health and Safety Governor 
  • KS2 Data Governor 

I have been on the Governing Body since December 2019, initially as an elected Parent Governor, and then as co-opted Chair of Governors in September 2023. I have 3 children (2 of them still at Hazelwood) and I love being a part of the thriving school community here.

I have been a primary school teacher for nearly 25 years (most of them in London) and am currently a Year 3 class teacher and RSHE lead at a school in Tottenham. 

Josh Newham (he/him)

  • Governor Type: Headteacher – Ex-officio  
  • End of Term of Office:  Ex Officio  
  • Committee: All Committees

Harriet Potemkin (Co-Vice Chair) (she/her)

  • Governor Type: Elected Parent Governor
  • End of Term of Office: April 2026
  • Committee: LTS
  • SEND Governor 

I have lived in Palmers Green since 2015, and have two children at Hazelwood Schools. My professional experience includes over ten years working in policy and strategy in local government; covering a wide range of policy areas which impact on the lives of children and young people. I am particularly interested in developing how schools can provide an inclusive education for children with special educational needs and disabilities; developing partnerships and projects to improve literacy; and supporting schools to respond to the climate crisis and improve child health.

Ashley Venn (Co-Vice Chair)

  • Governor Type: Local Authority Governor
  • End of Term of Office: October 2024
  • Committee: RES
  • Safeguarding Governor 
  • GDPR Governor

I’ve lived in Palmers Green since 2015 having grown up and lived in Kent beforehand. I work in the city where I oversee the cyber security function for a bank.

As a parent, I understand the importance to a child’s education. I became a governor because I have a passion for education and enjoy being active in the community. My hope is, that in my own way, I can make a positive contribution. I am currently a member of the Resources Committee and lead governor for GDPR.

Gwilwyn Wright

  • Governor Type: Co-Opted Governor
  • End of Term of Office: December 2027
  • Committee: RES

I grew up in Tottenham and lived in Enfield. I spent over 40 years working in the City in Investment and Retail Banking and Management Consultancy.

I now sit as a magistrate in North London and I’m currently Deputy Chair of City and North London Youth Bench.

In addition, I am a member of the Enfield Youth Justice Strategic Management Board and an active participant in the Magistrates in the Community programme, speaking to schools and sixth form colleges about the work we do.

It's a privilege to be able to use the skills I have acquired to assist in any way I can and giving the children of Hazelwood Schools the best possible start in life, alongside the parents, staff and other governors.


Louise McNamara - Clerk to the governing body

Louise McNamara 
Clerk to the Governing Body


We are very fortunate that senior leaders at Hazelwood Schools attend our full Governing Body meetings and Sub-Committees and engage with Governors on strategic and accountability matters.

In addition, we invite school staff to make presentations at our meetings to support our understanding of key aspects of their work when we are discussing a particular topic such as the curriculum or provision for children with special educational needs.

The more our Governors know and understand about the Schools, the more they are able to support and challenge to secure improvements.

The Governing Body has responsibility for both the Nursery, Infant and Junior schools as part of the ‘Federation’ arrangement.

The Full Governing Body meetings take place four times a year. The key focus is to support the strategic direction of the school and monitor the educational progress of the school and its financial performance.

We have two sub-committees - Learning Teaching & Standards (LTS) and Resources (RES) - and Strategic Groups as appropriate. Each Committee has Terms of Reference which are renewed at the start of the school year and Cycles of Work which describe the priorities for the year and the range of activities to be undertaken, including visits to the school.

If you would like to contact a member of the Governing Body, you can use the contact form at the bottom of the page. Alternatively, please email the school office and it will be passed on as appropriate.  

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