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stone age day at Celtic harmony

Our recent trip to Celtic Harmony was an incredible adventure for Year 2, immersing the children in Stone Age life through a series of engaging and educational activities.

The day began with a demonstration on fire-making using friction inside a roundhouse. The children observed how the friction between two prices of wood created an ember, which was then used to light a fire. 

Next, the children remembered and discussed that Stone Age people were nomads, recapping their History learning. They then built their own shelters and dens, which served as their temporary nomadic homes. The process involved clearing the ground, choosing long logs to form the den's ribcage, and angling the logs towards a tree to ensure stability. They left an opening for the doorway and learned how to hook thrush onto the ribcage to cover and protect the shelter. Inside the den, inspired by the friction fire display, the children tried to make their own fire by rubbing sticks together.

In the next activity, the children examined raw pieces of flint, learning how the ground’s composition affects its colour and formation. They were introduced to flint knapping, the process of shaping flint, and saw how Stone Age people used tanned skin for protection while working. Our guide demonstrated using a hammerstone to remove the flint cortex and reveal usable flint, even creating a microlith for making small knives. The children explored various stone tools, including hand axes for sawing, cutting, and scraping; bat axes made with wood and special beeswax glue for cutting wood; and spears with flint tips used for hunting. They also learned how deer antlers were used to lure animals. The children then practised throwing 'spears' at targets representing animals like bears, boars, saber-toothed tigers, and mammoths, improving their accuracy with each attempt.

Next, the children were sent on a mission around a trail to gather discs representing foods that Stone Age people gathered and ate, such as berries, mushrooms, elderflower, and silver birch. They learned how these foods were identified as safe to eat and prepared. The children also prepared their own Stone Age soup with leaves and herbs. They removed leaves from stems, chopped them into small pieces, and used muddling sticks to grind them into a paste. They added herbs like lemon balm and rosemary, then poured the mixture into a cauldron to be cooked over the fire.

The day concluded with everyone sitting around the fire inside the roundhouse, reflecting on their experiences and the lessons they learned. It was a fantastic day that brought history to life and left the children with a deeper understanding of the Stone Age.



The Year 2 children visited Hazelwood Recreation Ground as part of their art transformation project. The children gathered sticks and natural resources that will be utilised in the following weeks. 

The children worked collaboratively to identify sticks that were suitable for their project. They carefully examined and selected natural resources such as bark and pine cones, envisioning the ways in which they could use them to enhance their artwork. 

With their bags filled with an assortment of natural treasures, the children returned to school, brimming with excitement for the next phase of their project. In the following weeks, they will harness their creativity and teamwork skills to construct unique treehouses using the resources they collected.

Our first week of Summer term!

The Year 2 children had an amazing start to the term and engaged in lots of creative and exciting activities. In English, the children were introduced to different types of persuasive writing, such as adverts and leaflets. After exploring persuasive writing techniques, they generated their own persuasive points which they will now use to write their own persuasive travel leaflets about Colombia.

In Maths, the children were introduced to fractions. Through hands-on activities using pictorial representations, manipulatives, and their knowledge of times tables, they practised the concept of finding fractions of shapes and amounts.

To celebrate this half term’s value, creativity, the children engaged in thoughtful discussions about what makes them unique and creative. They continued this discussion in their R.E lessons where they recorded their reflections in body outlines drawn with their friends. Furthermore, they explored the impact of caring for others on their own well-being.

In computing, the children's creativity soared as they drew inspiration from impressionists to create their own magnificent artwork using the features of 2Paint. Their digital artwork, proudly displayed on our online class display board, showcase not only their artistic talents but also their proficiency in using technology as a tool for expression and communication.

In our Art lesson, the children were introduced to this half term's unit of 'Stick Transformation'. They explored the concept of form and structure by crafting intricate sculptures of plants, complete with shoots and roots. Each child selected a 'source' from nature, like a stone, a piece of bark, or scrunched-up paper, and then creatively attached 'shoots' and 'roots' using materials like twisted paper, pipe cleaners, and string. 


Forest school

Our last Forest School session kicked off with a challenge for the children, drawing inspiration from Julia's clever shelter-building techniques. They eagerly set out to construct their own roofs in various shapes and sizes, learning the importance of creativity when facing different camping environments, from tipis to triangular and flat tents.

Armed with one sheet per team and four pieces of cord, the children worked together to secure their tents to trees and fences in our garden, transforming the space into their very own base camp. Utilising natural materials like logs and tyres, they crafted cosy seating areas and even built their own fire pits, igniting their imagination and sense of adventure.

Later in the session, the children channelled their inspiration from all the birds we have been learning about, including blue jays and robins, as they decorated bird masks with intricate designs. Using clay dough, they created stunning decorations inspired by the wonders of nature, from majestic birds to natural collages and Easter bunnies.

To conclude our Forest School adventure on a heartwarming note, the children gathered around the fire for a captivating storytelling session featuring 'Rhyming Rabbit' by Julia Donaldson. And what better way to wrap up our session than by toasting marshmallows over the crackling campfire as we celebrated the joy of learning and exploring outdoors!


Forest school

This week in Forest School, the children embarked on an enchanting journey into the world of birdsong and behaviour. Closing their eyes, they listened intently to the melodious tunes of robins singing in the garden, pondering the activities and habits of these feathered friends. Through lively discussions, the children shared their insights, discovering that birds enjoy playing, singing together, and creating cosy nests to welcome their loved ones. They explored the various behaviours of birds in the garden, from singing and flying to communicating and foraging for food.

Guided by Julia, who brought a real-life robin's nest for closer examination, the children embarked on a resourceful hunt around the garden. Armed with leaves, twigs, and hay, they set out to create their own bird nests, inspired by the intricate crafting skills of their feathered friends.

As the session drew to a close, the children gathered around the campfire for a captivating storytime. Enjoying campfire-baked chocolate chip banana treats, they listened to the delightful tale of 'Chirp!' by Mary Murphy, joining in the whimsical noises made by the birds in the book. Inspired by the story's message of embracing individuality, the children came together to create a bird choir, celebrating the uniqueness of each voice and the beauty of diversity in nature.

It was a session filled with discovery, creativity, and the joy of connecting with the natural world. We look forward to our next Forest School adventure as we continue to explore and learn together!


Trip to the natural history museum

Our recent trip to the Natural History Museum was a thrilling adventure filled with learning and discovery! The children demonstrated remarkable responsibility and maturity as they boarded the train, showing awareness and consideration for other passengers.

At the museum, they immersed themselves in a world of captivating exhibits, from creepy crawlies to majestic birds and fascinating sea creatures. They eagerly participated in hands-on learning activities, gaining insights into the diverse wonders of the natural world.

One highlight of the trip was the exploration of under-the-sea creatures, including the intriguing lethal legged shrimp, where children learned how to identify different crustaceans. They then marvelled at life-sized exhibits of giant fish, safari animals, and extinct species like the mammoth.

In the mammals area, the children delved into learning about various animal species and their habitats, discovering fascinating facts about these majestic creatures.

We also couldn't help visiting the exhibits of life-sized dinosaur skeletons and models. The children stood in wonder as they observed these prehistoric giants, learning about their anatomy, behaviour, and the world they inhabited millions of years ago.

Throughout the day and on the journey back to school, the children enthusiastically shared what they had learnt, answering questions and creating beautiful drawings of the animals and habitats they saw.


Forest school

The children had a wonderful time in the garden this week.

Our Forest School session started with a cup of hot chocolate around the campfire while the children were immersed in the story "An Artist's Eyes" by Frances Tosdevin. Inspired by this captivating story, the children engaged in thoughtful discussions about the diverse perspectives that shape our understanding of the world and they eagerly shared their own insights and reflections. From the vivid colours of a sunset to the intricate patterns in a leaf, they admired how everyone's creative eye brings a distinct beauty to the world.

Later on, they explored various activities, from reading in the Forest School area to crafting book characters and bubble blowers from hollowed out elder wood. They had lots of fun as they blew bubbles and watched them get blown by the wind. Working together, they created a stunning mural for World Book Day using natural charcoal and chalk. They also collected objects and let their imagination run wild, building structures inspired by their favourite stories.

To end the session on a magical note, the children played a Harry Potter-inspired invisibility cloak game in the playground. 

Forest school

The children gathered around the campfire for a magical storytime adventure featuring "Superworm" by Julia Donaldson, and they eagerly joined in the tale of the courageous Superworm.

Following the story, the children embarked on a thrilling worm hunt in the garden. They discovered a variety of worms, from wiggly ones to juicy and thin ones. Using damp sticks, they gently collected their newfound friends and placed them in a container to create their very own wormery. With great care, they added leaves and mud, creating a habitat for their pet worms. Inspired by the story's enchanting potion-making, the children scoured the garden for natural ingredients like mud, leaves, and bark, which they used to concoct their own special potions, just like Superworm and his friends.

At the end of the session, the children learned essential fire safety lessons and they were introduced to the concept of the fire triangle - fuel, heat, and oxygen. Then, they assisted in igniting the fire safely and indulged in a delicious treat – freshly popped cinnamon sugar popcorn cooked over the campfire.



On Wednesday 13th March, the children will visit the Natural History Museum, in South Kensington, as part of our Science learning on Animals Including Humans. The children will consolidate their learning on different animal groups, such as mammals and reptiles, as they explore the various exhibits of the museum. We will focus on exhibits located in Green and Blue zones. We will visit the museum’s mammals exhibition where the children will examine extinct mammoths, giant elk and their living relatives, as well as giraffes, hippos and horses. We will also explore some marine habitats and the museum’s extensive bird collection.

Please read the letter below for more information. If you haven't done so already, please follow the link to give permission for your child to attend.



forest school

In our very first Forest Schools session, the Year 2 children went exploring in the garden, where they were given the task to collect sticks, colourful flowers, and leaves. With all these treasures from nature, the children demonstrated the value of creativity and created some beautiful artwork and models inspired by the arrival of Spring. 

Since Spring is just around the corner and the birds are beginning to tweet, the children wanted to help their feathered friends. They threaded cereal on pipe cleaners to make their own bird feeders and crafted their own Spring medals using leaves from the garden and hole punchers.

The children learned a lot about the beauty of Spring and how to cherish and care for the environment around them. We can't wait to see what other exciting adventures await us in our next sessions!



Expressive painting workshop 

In our expressive painting workshop with artist Laura McKendry, the children explored making gestural and expressive paintings.

The children begun by applying their colour mixing skills and their understanding of expressive painting to create their own abstract artwork. They had fun making marks and moving the paint on the page using a variety of unusual tools, such as cardboard, toothbrushes and chopsticks! They then progressed to making a still life of colour and form. The children chose from a variety of still lifes, such as shapes, animals and natural objects, to draw a  picture and used parts of their abstract paintings to create a collage in the style of Eric Carle. 


Expressive painting workshop with laura mckendry

On Wednesday 31st January we have organised an expressive painting workshop, as part of our Art unit. The workshop will be led by Laura McKendry, a local artist and parent at Hazelwood. The children will explore a variety of expressive painting techniques to create multiple paintings, which they will collate into a collage. We are very grateful to Laura for leading this workshop with the children.

We will be using acrylic paints throughout the workshop, which can permanently stain clothing. Although we will provide children with aprons, we suggest you send your child to school in an old jumper or top, to avoid any damage to their school uniform.

Please read the letter below for more information.

Our first week of Spring term!

The Year 2 children have had an amazing start to the Spring Term. In English, they were immersed in the story ‘How to find Gold’ by Viviane Schwarz. After sequencing the story on a story mountain and drawing a story map, they began innovating the sea monsters in the story and came up with their own unique monsters.
The children were also introduced to their new Maths unit, Money - they identified the value of British bank notes and coins and used them to make different amounts.
In History, the children learned about some famous pioneers, such as Marie Curie, Sir Isaac Newton, Ibn Battutah and Emmeline Pankhurst. They worked in their groups to create information posters about them and why they were pioneers in their fields. In Computing, the children were introduced to the concept of binary trees as a way of organising information and answering questions. 
In Art, Year 2 have explored the work of expressive artists Charlie French Michaels and Marela Zacarias. The children discussed how the tools, colours and techniques they used affect the impression they make on them as viewers and recorded their thought in their sketchbooks using visual notes.

Things to look forward to in spring 2024!

Class Assemblies

The children will be sharing all their amazing learning in their class assemblies which will take place on week commencing 22nd January 2024. Dates and locations are as follows:

 2R – Tuesday 23rd January (in Rowan Hall)

 2O - Wednesday 24th January 2024 (in Oak Hall)

 2M - Thursday 25th January 2024 (in Rowan Hall)

All assemblies will start promptly at 9:10.

Expressive painting workshop with Laura McKendry

The children will use a variety of tools and practise expressive painting techniques to create multiple paintings, which they will collate into a collage. 

Trip to the Natural History Museum (March)
The children will consolidate their Science learning on animals including humans on this very exciting educational visit. We will visit the cocoon interactive gallery, explore the animal habitats and see all the amazing animal models exhibited at the museum.

Forest schools (Spring 2)

The children will explore our Forest School area and participate in a variety of exciting activities.

Year 2 Victorian day

The Year 2 children dressed up and travelled back in time on our Victorian Day! They were absolutely amazing actors, followed the rules of the Victorian school and even wore the Dunce’s hat. They enjoyed participating in all the activities of the day, such as using fabric and wool to make their own peg dolls, collating vintage pictures to make a scrapbook and carefully observing objects and creating charcoal life drawings.


The children had a blast on their educational visit to the Transport Museum. They demonstrated responsibility and respect when walking to Palmers Green station and on the train. They were thrilled to learn about and board a variety of types of transport at the museum, from the 1800s Omnibus to the steam train and old double-decker buses. We observed the differences and similarities of different types of transport, such as the horse drawn bus and tram and discussed how Victorian inventions, such as the steam engine, helped to change the way people travelled over the years and the impact they had on their lives. The children also learned how the underground system was built and had a go at using a simulator to navigate a tube train in the dark tunnel. At the museum's interactive areas, the children learned about all the different jobs and responsibilities of TfL staff, such as driving buses, repairing and maintaining them at the local depot, mapping out the transport links that span across the city and creating posters to promote public transport.


Educational Visit - London Transport Museum

On Wednesday 8th and Friday 10th November, the Year 2 children will visit the London Transport Museum, as part of our History learning on Victorian inventions. 2M will visit the museum on Wednesday 8th November. 2O and 2R will visit the museum on Friday 10th November. The children will build on their learning on how Victorians developed transportation with their inventions, from the bone shaker bicycle to the steam powered car and then the petrol car. They will also explore how the public transport we use today was developed, such as the first horse-drawn buses and the railway network.

Key information

  • There is no cost for this visit.

  • We will travel by train and aim to leave school at 9.00.

  • We will aim to be back in time for the 3:15pm pick up but a text message will be sent out to you if we are delayed.

  • All children will require a packed lunch for the day. If your child is eligible for Free School Meals and you wish for your child to have a school packed lunch (it will be a cheese sandwich plus fruit etc). Please indicate on the google form below AND choose the sandwich option on School Grid. If your child is not eligible and your child will be having a packed lunch from home please ensure that you cancel your pre-order on SchoolGrid if you have one. 

  • Please provide your child with a rucksack or bag so they can easily carry their lunch, a snack and a water bottle.

We would love to have parent volunteers accompanying us on this trip. Please let us know, via email to the school office or by completing the Google form below, if you are able to accompany us on the trip. Please fill in the form below to provide permission for your child to attend this visit.

Google form: 

We look forward to taking the children on this exciting educational visit and thank you for your support in advance.

ALExandra park field trip

The children had an amazing morning at Alexandra Park and Palace! They demonstrated responsibility on our train journey, and were very resilient walking up the hill leading to the park. We discussed some of the human and physical features we have learnt about in our Geography lessons, such as the park, the palace and the station and identified more, such as the train bridge, houses and buildings. At the park, we observed many London landmarks; the Shard, the Walkie Talkie building and the offices of Canary Wharf. The children then applied their Art learning on continuous line drawing to draw the London skyline.  


Educational visit - alexandrA park

On Wednesday 11th October, the Year 2 children will visit Alexandra Park, as part of our Geography unit on London. The children will apply their learning on key physical and human features and landmarks of London as they view and identify them from Alexandra Park. They will then have a go at drawing the London skyline and labelling these landmarks.

You can read more about our trip in the letter below. If you haven't done so already, please follow the link below to fill in the permission form:

The Year 2 children visit Palmers Green Mosque

The Year 2 children had a brilliant time on their first trip of the year, visiting Palmers Green Mosque. Showing our school values of Respect and Appreciation and Understanding, the children sat in the prayer hall of the Mosque where they had the opportunity to ask the imam questions and build on their R.E learning on Islam. They learned about the largest mosques of the world, how the imam guides Muslims during prayer and practised greeting each other in Arabic. 

Educational visit - Palmers Green Mosque

On Thursday 21st September, the Year 2 children will visit Palmers Green Mosque, as part of our Religious Education unit on Islam. The children will participate in a tour around the Mosque and learn more about what happens at the Mosque. They will also learn about how and why Muslims pray and develop their understanding of Muslim traditions.

You can read more about our trip in the letter below. If you haven't done so already, please follow the link below to fill in the permission form: .

Welcome back to a new school year! 

The Year 2 children had a fantastic first week back - they were delighted to be back to school, see their friends and get to know their new teachers. In English,  they were inspired by Henri Rousseau’s ‘Surprised’ painting. They used the five senses and ambitious vocabulary to describe it and wrote some amazing tiger-shaped poems. In Maths, the children used manipulatives, such as blocks and dienes, to represent numbers to 100. They then practised using various models, such as a place value chart and part-whole model, to partition numbers. In PSHE, we discussed our value of the term, Respect, and the children shared their ideas on how we show respect to others, our school, our community and ourselves. We also discussed our ideal classroom, what it might look and feel like and what we can do to make that happen. Each child wrote a pledge on a strip of paper, which we put together into a paper chain. In our first Science lesson on the unit of Living things and their Habitats, the children identified what are living things and how they differentiate from things that are dead or those that have never been alive. They applied their learning by sorting pictures of various things into groups and justifying their choice.