HPSA Christmas Fete
What a wonderful event we had last Sunday, with hundreds of children, parents, carers, friends, Governors and staff attending in the cold weather to create an incredibly warm family feeling. There were bouncy castles, tombolas, curries, candy-floss, cakes and burgers, fire pits, 'we made it' stalls, games, arts and crafts, present wrapping, bric-a-brac, book stalls and of course a special visit to Santa's grotto! Not to mention a headteacher being stuck to a wall with gaffer tape! Huge thank you to all of the parents and friends as well as Chris and Sango who helped make this very special day a reality. But the biggest thanks of all must go to our wonderful HPSA team of Anna, Hannah, Beata, Amy, Andree and Mel - you are amazing!
For more photos, please click here: Christmas Fete 2022