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  • EMS Spring Sounds festival

    Published 07/03/23

    The Juniors Choir represented Hazelwood at the EMS Spring Sounds Festival this week.

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  • World Book Day

    Published 03/03/23

    World Book Day is always a special day at Hazelwood as children and staff seem to go the extra mile to dress up as their favourite book characters. We had plenty of wallies, wizards and witches as well as lots of animals, superheroes and princesses. Huge thank you to the parents for supporting this lovely day - I know that it can be a challenge! 

    The Day included special assemblies, 'drop everything and read' and a special teacher swap with many of the staff reading their favourite books to other classes. What a lovely way to end the week! 

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  • Panto!

    Published 14/12/22

    Hazelwood Players performed Aladdin with 3Ds or the Ballad of Curly Slippers to the children on Wednesday. It was an amazing show - oh yes it was! 

    Huge thanks to all the cast, crew, the amazing band, backstage and Panto Kids for all their hard work and brilliance.

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  • Snow Day!

    Published 14/12/22

    The snow fell hard on Sunday evening and left a huge blanket all over Hazelwood Schools. With many members of staff unable to get in to school, we had no choice but to close. That said, it did give everyone a chance to have a lot of fun in the snow! A bit of a rarity in these parts, it seemed only fitting to build snowmen and snow women, create some snow angels and to sledge until the hearts content, or in my children's case: they were soaked through and I couldn't feel my fingers anymore! 

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  • Year 1 Big Little Nativity!

    Published 08/12/22

    The Year 1 Big Little Nativity was such a beautiful performance and got everyone into the Christmas spirit! There were the traditional angels, shepherds, wise men and a donkey but also the very important presents, sheep and doors... It was lovely to see so many big voices in the hall, confidently singing and saying their lines as well as the obvious enjoyment on their faces whilst dancing - and that was just the teachers! The children looked fabulous, sounded amazing and brought the younger children (who saw the show in the morning on Wednesday) and parents/carers clapping and whooping for joy! What was so special is that every Year 1 child who was able to, was part of the performance - A real Christmas treat! 
    Huge thank you to all of the adults that made this happen: Mrs Dunn, Mrs Naik, Mr Stimson, Mrs Tye, Miss Bispham, Mr Wills-Virk, Mrs Ashwell, Mrs Phillipou, Miss Beltran, Miss Waters, Mrs Esendagli and, of course, the director of the show: Miss Michel!

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  • HPSA Christmas Fete

    Published 06/12/22

    What a wonderful event we had last Sunday, with hundreds of children, parents, carers, friends, Governors and staff attending in the cold weather to create an incredibly warm family feeling. There were bouncy castles, tombolas, curries, candy-floss, cakes and burgers, fire pits, 'we made it' stalls, games, arts and crafts, present wrapping, bric-a-brac, book stalls and of course a special visit to Santa's grotto! Not to mention a headteacher being stuck to a wall with gaffer tape! Huge thank you to all of the parents and friends as well as Chris and Sango who helped make this very special day a reality. But the biggest thanks of all must go to our wonderful HPSA team of Anna, Hannah, Beata, Amy, Andree and Mel - you are amazing! 

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  • Christmas is coming to palmers Green!

    Published 24/11/22

    The choir and lots of families joined the Palmers Green Business Association for carols, mince pies and the switching on of the Christmas lights at the Palmers Green Triangle on Thursday 24th November. 

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  • Launching our Book Vending Machine

    Published 06/11/22

    On Friday, we were delighted to have launched our new Reading for Pleasure initiative – our brand new Book Vending Machine located in Maple Hall. Huge thanks to HPSA for funding this!

    In order to be in with a chance to choose their very own book from our amazing vending machine, children must move their peg up the reading challenge chart in their class book corner each time they read and record in their reading record book. If by Friday lunchtime they have read 5 times that week, they will be entered into a random draw where in achievement assembly, one child from each house will be given a special, golden coin. They can then take their golden coin to the vending machine and choose a special book of their choice to keep and read for pleasure!

    The challenge week runs from Friday to Friday so reading over the weekend definitely counts!

    In addition to their new book, they will also take home our Hazelwood Reading Celebration book where they have the chance to decorate a page in their house scrap book, which celebrates their new chosen book, their favourite book from home or their favourite author.

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  • Multicultural Week food festival

    Published 21/10/22

    What an amazing food festival we had to end our Multicultural Week! So much food, laughter and chatter amongst parents and children. 

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  • ¡un día español increíble!

    Published 09/10/22

    What an amazing Spanish Day we all had on Friday 7th October!

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  • Year 1 Forest Schools

    Published 09/09/22

    Year 1 started their Forest School sessions this week. Please click here to browse our photo gallery. We will continue to upload photos to the gallery throughout the half term. 

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  • Remembering Queen Elizabeth

    Published 09/09/22

    We were all deeply saddened to hear of the death of our Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday. 

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