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  • Art Exhibition - Year 1, 3 and 5

    Published 13/07/23

    Following the successful art exhibition for years 2 and 4 last half term, we held our second Art exhibition this time for Year 1, 3 and 5. All year groups have all been "Working in 3D".

    Year 1- Making Sculptural Birds

    In Year 1, the children have combined their making and drawing skills to create wonderful birds. Inspired by a range of artists and using a range of media including oil pastels, water colours, pencils, crayons, the children carefully recreated ‘feather’ like drawings before creating a collage of their work on a foam board resembling the bird’s body.














    Year 3- Stories Through Drawing & Making

    In year 3, the children have been taking inspiration from different artists and illustrators. They looked at Quentin Blake’s characters in more detail and created their own sculptures inspired by his work. They used different techniques to construct and model their 3d pieces then used acrylic paint to finish and add details to the sculptures.


    Year 5 – Set Making

    In year 5, the children created their own model theatre sets.  They started by looking at the work of Rae Smith – set designer for the production War Horse and then looked at the sets of other big theatre shows like The Lion King and Les Misérables. They discussed how the set created the atmosphere for the production and helped tell the story. Using the stimulus of either Under the Sea, the Jungle or the Savannah, they sketched plans for a set and then created them using shoe boxes, paint, construction materials, fabric and their imaginations.

    The whole school visited the art exhibition and were very excited to see the work of our artists. It was also wonderful to see so many parents attend the Exhibition after school!


    The artworks were all absolutely amazing! We have very talented artists at Hazelwood!​

    Click here to see all the amazing artwork this term!


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  • HPSA Summer Fete 2023

    Published 12/06/23

    We were incredibly lucky with the weather last weekend for our fabulous HPSA Summer Fete! It was an amazing day filled with fun and laughter, tombolas and mini golf, lots of food and drink and plenty of games including the biggest bubbles you've ever seen!! Huge thanks to our wonderful HPSA team and especially Anna and Hannah for their amazing organisation and can-do attitude! You are amazing!! For some pictures, please click here: HPSA Summer Fete

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  • Hazelwood's Got Talent 2023

    Published 29/05/23

    The sun was shining and the talent was all around as we had a huge turnout of children, parents and carers for our amazing Hazelwood's Got Talent Final 2023! The 9 finalists, all who had made their way through from the class rounds to the semi-finals in their houses and then onto the big stage for the final, all performed brilliantly, with real confidence, bravery and showing off their talent. Cheered on by the huge crowd, who had been able to buy lots of yummy cake, candy floss and popcorn thanks for generous donations from parents and HPSA, the finalists performed in front of our four judges: Sidrah, our Chair of Governors; Steve, our former HPSA chair and ever-present member; Martin, from our friends at Anthony Webb Estate Agents; and our very own Mrs Pearson! 

    Winners were chosen from each category (Year 1 & 2, Year 3 & 4, Year 5 & 6) but, in truth, everyone was a winner on this fabulous occasion. 

    Huge thanks to Miss Bispham and Miss Hammond for supporting the acts to get to the stage, Steve Rawlinson for technical support and Miss Powell for organising and hosting the final! 

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  • Art Exhibition Year 2 & 4

    Published 25/05/23

    Over the past half term, Year 2 and Year 4 have been learning about Working in 3D in Art.
    Year 2 have been working on 3D stick transformations whereby they have taken natural objects and imaginatively transformed them into tree houses. They took inspiration from the work of Artist Chris Kenny then planned, designed and created their own 3D sculptures.
    Year 4 have been looking at the art of sculpture, particularly focusing on the presentation of a piece and how it can define the meaning of an artwork. They looked at the work of artists such as Antony Gormley and Yinka Shonibare for inspiration. They learnt about artworks exhibited on a plinth and then planned, designed and created their own 3D sculptures on a plinth.
    The whole school visited the art exhibition and were very excited to see the work of the Year 2 and Year 4 artists.
    The artwork is all absolutely amazing! We have very talented artists here at Hazelwood!

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  • Coronation celebrations

    Published 08/05/23

    On Friday 5th May the whole school came together to celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty, King Charles III. Despite the occasional downpour, the royal trooper, Miss Powell, spent the entire day supporting every child in the school to paint a section of our coronation garden wall in the Union Flag colours. Thanks to Naomi, we now have a garden fit for a king, including delphinium's (the King's favourite), various bedding plants in red, white and blue and a Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' tree, planted by school council to grow during the King's reign. 

    Throughout the day, the children learned about the King and what happens during a coronation, as well as decorating commemorative plates to take home. The lunch hall was decorated specially for the day and the children came dressed in red, white and blue to top off a fabulous celebration!

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  • Crazy Hair Day!

    Published 28/04/23

    There was a lot of Crazy Hair out today at Hazelwood, all in aid of... why not?? No particularly reason other than to be a bit crazy and have some fun - also raising a little bit of money for HPSA to spend on our school! Thank you to everyone for joining in with the fun! 

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  • TCS Mini Marathon

    Published 28/04/23

    On Saturday 22nd April, a large team of Hazelwood children, led by Miss Hammond, took part in the TCS Mini Marathon. The children were able to run the famous last mile of the official London Marathon. They were absolutely incredible and Miss Hammond is bursting with pride!

    A special mention to Lucas, Scott and Howie for raising over £600 for the Alzheimer’s Society.

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  • Remembering Eleni

    Published 19/04/23

    The whole Hazelwood community was deeply saddened to learn that Eleni Vassiliou, our much-loved member of staff, passed away on Saturday 1st April 2023. Eleni worked with us at Hazelwood as a Teaching Assistant for many years and was very much an integral part of our staff here.

    Eleni was dedicated to the children in her care, a much-loved member of the staff team, enthusiastic and professional in everything she did. Her calmness and compassion for the children shone through, alongside her wonderful sense of humour.

    Everyone who met Eleni was immediately struck by her kind, caring and compassionate nature and, even though she was struggling with her health, her huge sense of loyalty to the children and staff of Hazelwood.

    After battling cancer for many years, Eleni was diagnosed with Leukaemia in April 2022 and was unable to return to work from this point. Following a long battle and despite her ongoing courage and resilience, Eleni lost her fight on 1st April 2023. Throughout her sickness, Eleni continued to speak positively about everything and everyone around her. Staff at Hazelwood spoke to her regularly and shared many memories and funny stories.

    We are sure that many of you will remember Eleni with great fondness and affection. She will always be a member of staff at Hazelwood and forever loved. 

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  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Week - Connections

    Published 31/03/23

    This week has been Mental Health and Wellbeing Week, where the children have really focused on their mental health and wellbeing by using their superpowers such as kindness, patience, courage and teamwork to identify how they connect with others and how ‘connecting’ helps us in our lives. The children have participated in a range of activities to develop strategies to support their own mental health and wellbeing.
    Year 2 worked with our very own John Gilbert to look at confidence and courage and how to be proud of themselves.
    Year 3, 4 and 5 took part in online live workshops focusing on specific areas of mental health and wellbeing.

    Other activities for the week included: using ‘The Invisible String’ by Patrice Karst as a focus for English; an art activity where the children created personalised paperchains that display how they feel connected; and a flashmob dance where the whole school connected together through dance.

    Please see below a video of our whole school connected through dance and paperchains! 


    Finally, Friday marked the end of term and the end of Mental Health and Wellbeing Week – what better way to end it with asking children to dress to express. They certainly didn’t fail to express and impress with children wearing outfits that reflect who they are. It was lovely to see so many children having the confidence to wear what they felt comfortable in and shows what a brilliantly diverse yet connected community we are at Hazelwood.


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  • Spring Music Concert

    Published 29/03/23

    What a fantastic way to end the term! The Spring Music Concert was a roaring success.

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  • Year 2 Singing Partnership Festival

    Published 23/03/23

    Last week, the Year 2 children visited Firs Farm Primary School for the annual Singing Partnership Festival organised by the Enfield Music Festival.

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  • Reception Special Families Assembly

    Published 20/03/23

    The Reception children have been learning that although families come in all shapes and sizes, they are all very special. Friday was a joyful celebration of all our wonderful families at Hazelwood in Our Special Families Assembly. The children have worked extremely hard to learn their songs and particularly enjoyed using a microphone to share with you all why their families are so special. For one last surprise, the children drew their own family portrait as a wonderful reminder of the event. Thank you parents for coming to the assembly. We hope you had fun watching it and join us is saying huge congratulations to the Reception children.

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