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February 2024

  • Activall!

    Published 28/02/24

    The latest joint purchase, with Sports Premium and HPSA funds, is our brand new ActivAll! 
    Our children were ecstatic to see the installation of our new ActivAll boards on their return from half term. The School Council spent time with Mr Bowstead, Mrs Gannon, Mrs Hammond and Mr Jack exploring the capabilities and functionality of the boards over the first few days and thought it would be useful to create an introductory video to share with classes. They then spent the next few days demonstrating to others how to use the boards. 
    As the boards have proved to be very popular, we have created a rota so that children know which day their year group can play on them. From what we have seen this week, the children are thrilled to have the opportunity to play the games and challenge themselves to beat their scores. 
    Our School Councillors decided that you might like to hear first-hand what our children really think of the boards so they conducted an interview with some of the children who have already had a play on them. 

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  • Safer Internet Day

    Published 07/02/24

    February 6th 2024 was Safer Internet Day which is the UK’s biggest celebration of online safety.  At Hazelwood Schools we participated in these celebrations and learning based on the theme of ‘Inspiring change’ by looking at different areas of internet safety.  To kickstart the day, Years 1 & 2, 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 participated in an assembly which introduced the purpose and themes of the day.  The children were very enthusiastic when sharing what they do online.  There were also more than a few sniggers/confused looks when looking at how much technology has changed and teachers talking about using record players to listen to music and using telephones that you had to turn the dial for each number to make a telephone call.

    In the classroom, the children participated in a range of activities to support their understanding of how to remain safe online.  Nursery and Reception classes looked at things that might change while online.  They focused on if anything changes while they are online and it makes them sad, worried or scared, what they can do and who they can talk to to keep themselves safe.  Years 1 and 2 read stories about Mo and Jaz who like to play games and watch videos online.  In each story, something changed such as a funny video turning into a scary video or a person promising to give more ‘tokens’ from a game if Mo and Jaz shared what they already had.  Each story lead to great discussion about how things can change online and what children can do to keep themselves safe.  The honesty, understanding and maturity seen from our Year 1s and 2s regarding keeping safe online was astounding.  Years 3 and 4 looked at how much technology has changed over the years, it was quite funny to see the look of horror on some children’s faces to realised there was a life without the internet or computer technology as it is today.  The children spent time discussing and designing what the technology of the future might be and how it could be made safe for the people who use it.  Our value of creativity was shining brightly across Years 3 and 4 this afternoon with amazing inventions being designed.  Finally, Years 5 and 6 looked at the power of influencers and how they can impact our daily lives.  Once again, the understanding, honesty and maturity of our students when talking about online safety leaves me speechless.  The children spent time discussing how they felt influencers had influenced them and then they designed their own influencers who would use their powers for good.

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  • Young Voices 2024

    Published 02/02/24

    Our Junior Choir headed off to Wembley this week to take part in the Young Voices Concert 2024! The children sang in one of the largest children’s choir concerts in the world performing alongside 5,000 other children to a huge audience of family and friends. It was wonderful to see some of our Hazelwood parents waving at us and cheering us on in the arena! The children were inspired by the amazing performances from Nandi Bushell, a 13 year old drumming superstar, and Urban Street crew  It was such a joyful event - it was wonderful to see and hear the children enjoying singing so much. The pop medley was a firm favourite! What a fabulous experience for all! A massive thank you to Miss Bispham for organising such a wonderful trip, Mrs Pearson for her non-stop energy and the three parent volunteers for all their support on the day!!

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February 2024