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Fruit salads

After interviewing a member of their family to find out what their favourite fruits were, the children in Year 1 designed their fruit salads. They used their design criteria to make their final product by bringing in their 4 fruits plus a citrus fruit for their chosen adult. They carefully used a range of cooking utensils to apply the techniques learnt at the start of the unit when making such as grating, peeling, squeezing and chopping/slicing. Children also thought about how they will present their fruit salads for example, all mixed together or by colour.

Year 1 visit to Hertfordshire zoo

Year 1  had a fantastic time at Hertfordshire Zoo this week. The children enjoyed walking around the animal and dinosaur park and getting up close and personal when engaging in a range of animal artefacts and images during our workshop. A fabulous day out to consolidate our science learning on animals!

Click here to view some photos of our fabulous day out 😊

Chicks in school

Year 1 have had an egg - xtremely exciting start to the half term when 20 new arrivals joined the classes – our chicks! The children spent some time observing the eggs in the incubator and were delighted to watch the eggs hatch and the chicks grow. The children have been able to show our values of responsibility and kindness when taking care of them and were able to stroke and hold them. The chicks arrival inspired the children to put themselves in the chicks shoes, and write a diary entry of their journey from egg to chick. Click here to see some photos.

Firefighter visit

The children recently had visit from the Southgate Firefighters. The children enjoyed sharing lots of facts about The Great Fire of London and exploring the inside and outside of the fire truck. Thank you for coming to see us! Click here to browse some more photos.

Stuart day

The children in Year had the opportunity to continue to immerse themselves into our History topic on the Great Fire of London by experiencing what it would have been like in 1666 – when the fire started. They enjoyed engaging with a variety of activities, including: bread making, creating Stuart-style houses, writing with quills, a Stuart dance and a re-creation of the Great Fire of London. The children loved the immersive experience! Click here to see some photos of our wonderful day.

Mr Newham talks to us about the Jewish faith

During our R.E unit on ‘Places of Worship’, we were delighted that Mr Newham agreed to share his knowledge of Judaism and why the synagogue was such a sacred place for Jews. He spoke to the children about the synagogue and brought with him a range of objects including  a Ner tamid, Torah scroll, Bimah, tallit (prayer shawl), Kippah and candles to explain their significance to the synagogue and the Jewish faith. It was wonderful to see how attentive our children were and the values of acceptance and understanding displayed throughout the session.

Year 1 visit St John's church

Last week, the children in Year 1 were lucky enough to visit St John’s Church in Palmers Green. They were greeted by Reverend Julie who showed the children around and talked to the children about the Christian faith and how Christians prepare for the festival of Christmas. The children had the opportunity to see the chalice, the bible and her special robe which she wears during her church services.  We are so proud of our children who displayed both acceptance and understanding throughout the visit. It was such an interesting trip, and we would like to thank Reverend Julie for her time and hospitality. Click here to see some more photos.

Our Weather station

 In Geography this half-term, we explored three different types of tools which help us to gather information about the weather. A rain gauge to measure rainfall, a thermometer to measure the temperature and a weather vane to measure the wind direction. We discussed what each tool measures and then carefully placed the tools in appropriate places outside in the playground in preparation for data collection.  We collected data over two days and compared the results.

Year 1 investigate a mysterious crash landing in our gardening area!

Some mysterious metal and foil objects landed in gardening area this week. This caused a great deal of excitement with the children. The children were relieved to hear that an alien had not landed on our school grounds and this excitement was created to introduce our new story, Beegu by Alexis Deacon. A great hook into our new story! The children developed their fine motor skills by creating a collage of a spaceship and wrote some simple sentences using key words from the story They also put themselves into Beegu’s shoes and thought about how Beegu’s feelings changed throughout the story and how her body languages differed each time.


All homework will be accessed via Google Classroom. 

The first set of homework for Year 1 will be uploaded onto Google Classroom on Thursday 14th September. The children will receive their Google  username and  password in their yellow reading records next week.