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Please see Google Classroom for information regarding this year's Yearbook, which is a brand new design! Please support your child to complete the google form with their individual message. If you also have any photos or images from your child's time at Hazelwood Schools, please send these to and we will review these for our Yearbook entry.

Winchmore schools visits 

We are pleased to be working with Winchmore School and will be visiting their Science labs in class groups on the following days:

Monday 3rd June - 6R 

Monday 1st July - 6O 

Monday 15th July 6M

More information regarding these exciting science sessions will follow! 

Production auditions 

Year 6 production auditions will be held in school on Tuesday 21st May 2024! We look forwards to seeing all the wonderful talent the children have to offer! Please check google classroom for more details! 

well done year 6!

Congratulations to each and every one of our year 6 pupils for their outstanding efforts during SATs week. It was a tough week for them all but they approached it with ambition, resilience and courage – just like we knew they would! Children also enjoyed the launch of their community action plan project and were very inspired by our visitor Polly Turton from The Friends of Hazelwood Rec. It was great to see children brainstorming some initial ideas for ways in which they could improve their much-loved Rec. I can’t wait to see their designs for signage and merchandise; I think will be a wonderful way to leave a very special legacy for the future children of Hazelwood to enjoy! The children, of course, were rewarded at the end of the week with an extended playtime in the sunshine, it was so lovely to see them having fun and enjoying a well-deserved rest! Well done year 6, we are very much looking forwards to a lovely summer ahead!

Science - observation over time 

In science, children have been exploring how microbes impact food over time. Children made their predictions and then observed what happened to the food in the classroom over time... these are what we had at the end of the two-week observation window! 


PE - gymnastics 

In PE lessons throughout the Spring Term, children have enjoyed grappling with tricky balances to support their progress towards being able to perform a handstand, bridge, cartwheel and shoulder stand. Children then applied all of their work from across the half-term to create their very own sequences to perform to the rest of the class! Well done year 6! 

tamagochi creators - using Micro:bits

Year 6 children have been working incredibly hard during their D&T lessons to apply learning from previous textiles units in order to design and make their very own soft toy Tamagotchi! They have been carefully applying sewing, cutting and marking skills in order to create their product! They then enjoyed adding their programmed Micro: bit to bring their Tamagotchi to life! We are so impressed with their final pieces and have certainly demonstrated our school value of creativity throughout! 

Science - classification keys 

This week in science, children have been using classification keys to sort animals and leaves. They discussed different ways to discuss the same group of leaves. Here is what they decided... 


Dissecting the pluck

To consolidate their learning on the circulatory system, children took part in a hands-on session where they had the opportunity to look at and handle the pluck of a sheep. Children saw up close the different parts of the circulatory system including: the heart, blood vessels, aorta and lungs. They had lots of interesting questions and enjoyed seeing their learning come to life. 


Year 6 maths competition 

On Tuesday 9th February, four of our year 6 children proudly represented Hazelwood Schools at a Year 6 Inter-Schools Maths Compeition at St Monica's Primary School. The compeititon was tough but we are very proud of our Hazelwood children for showing our school values of teamwork, ambition, resilience and courage in abundance! 

You can see what they got up to here: 

Making blood in science 

In Science, we have been learning about the circulatory system! This week, we made... blood! Our plastic sandwich bags were the blood vessels which we first filled with food colouring and cheerios to represent the red blood cells. We then added squash to represent the liquid part of blood: plasma. After that, we finished by mixing in white marshmallows- acting as the white blood cells- and some pom poms to represent the platelets. We discussed the role that each of these parts of the blood have!

Did you know there is approximately 5 litres of blood in the human body! 

ECP PSHE WOrkshops

Children took part in a thought provoking PSHE workshop led by Charlie at ECP. Children enjoyed a variety of different group activities within this session, which certainly got everyone thinking carefully about the important message of keeping safe - both online and in the real world. Within the session there was also a strong emphasis on managing well-being and resilience,helping children to develop strategies to help them manage their thoughts and feelings whilst navigating the ever changing world around them. At the end of the session, children created a postcard of 'happy thoughts' to share with each other, children enjoyed reading the kind comments that others had written about them, celebrating the individuality of each and every child in year 6!